Monday, 20 August 2012

Breast Cancer

Alhamdulilah , to Allah swt because give us a lot of grace . We as human always need to remember everything what we did what we had . Remember Duniawi only we borrow from Allah swt to live here. There's no permanent . Only temporary . Beside that , in life journey we through not only always being happy but sometimes we need to through the sad and the worst sadness . But remember Allah give this must have a reason. All happen have a reason. Sometimes Up sometimes Down. Here's I want to story about my aunty. She detected breast Cancer , So let me story about her life.

            A long time ago, She is person of happy go lucky. She is strongest person. She is supportive. She is intelligent woman. She is PHD graduated. She doesnt have a husband and daughther or son. She still single. When she in University life, She live at United State. So she quite love to eat. She very enjoy to eat when she young. So the effect not attact her when she in enjoyable of food. When she in 50 above years old, she started sick. She retired of her works. Because she doesnt have any energy anymore. So she decided to retired. She rest at home. The whole close family currently worried with her. She started weak, and her face was like a pale, she vomited after she ate, she feel swelling of all or part of the breast, skin irritation or dimpling, a lump in the underarm area, nipple pain or the nipple turning inward, and breast pain. So my niece asked her to see her specialist to figure out what the causes her pain?. So my niece send her to Subang Jaya Hospital and medical check up. So after finish her medical check up, the doctor will told us at least a week about the result. After we waiting the result then the doctor said " She have breast cancer is already Stage 2 ''. That's mean it was so long the cancer was activated in her body. This is silence killer. We started worry about her. Such we know that cancer will kill us slowly until Stage 4. She totally down and she doesn't have any confident to live. She suddenly cried and hug her niece because heard a bad news. Doctor said that she to have two options, today there's an overwhelming menu of treatment choices that fight the complex mix of cells in each individual cancer. The decisions — surgery, then perhaps radiation. Then she choose to do surgery. So immediately she discuss with her doctor about the cost and so on.

        She being thankful to Allah s.w.t because still can do surgery. Doctor said she can still safe because she doing she  surgery. So, she did the surgery very well . After 2 months, she quite have a lot of energy. But the sad is she need to do chemotherapy . That's a lot radio active. It will be very serious effect to her if she can't compete with this chemical. But I told you this solution can kill the cancer cell. So after she finish her chemotherapy she very weak and she like senile. She doesnt have a hair, and she doesnt have appetite to eat. In this time, she very loneliness, she doesnt want to talk with others, she want to stay home, she very different before this. But i respect her because she has high confident to survive her life to live. She can drive alone from Kuantan to Subang Jaya. She can stay home alone in 3 days and still can cook while she in sick. This is why doesn't mean she in sick she can't do anything like a healty person. So after 3 years till now, she very healthy and very well. She can continue doing work as usual. Now she free of cancer. We all thankful with Allah s.w.t because still give her breath to live in this earth. I took this example to myself and you guys to take a lesson. That's all. Thanks ;')

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